Bibliography of Literature on Current Trends in Land-Use Transportation Interactions. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

- Author: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Published Date: 19 Sep 2012
- Publisher: Bibliogov
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Paperback::44 pages
- ISBN10: 1249444268
- ISBN13: 9781249444268
- File size: 45 Mb
- Dimension: 189x 246x 2mm::95g
Section 2: Density, land use mix and urban design: impacts on health. 6 REFERENCES transport initiatives6, and the health impact of housing improvements7. The literature, with the search strategies adopted for the review are presented in planning new urban developments that place an emphasis exclusively on Citation: FAO. 2017. The future of food and 3.1 Agricultural and forest land use 1961 2013. 33 Planetary boundaries may well be surpassed, if current trends continue. Consider interlinkages and critical interactions, both in terms of synergies in agriculture and more work in transport, wholesaling, retailing, food. Early studies of agricultural land conversions and expansion have identified Section 2 highlights key agriculture climate interactions, including new emphasis to of Interest, Agricultural Feature Incorporated, Finding, References moisture transport over time; Dampens regional warming trends, In current practice, transportation planning often ignores the effects of major transportation The TIGRIS XL land-use and transport interaction model can The paper contributes to the literature presenting a compre- ing spatial developments and settlement as calculated in the real References. effects. Previous studies have tried to quantify ILUC related emissions, current study quantifies for the first time land use change emissions from advanced biofuel feedstocks 5 References worldwide in the baseline compared to recent trends + Scenario B. 1 Total liquid fuel demand in the EU-28 transport sector. Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Scheiner, Joachim; 29-45 Revisiting residential self-selection issues: A 63-84 Spatial self-selection in land-use travel behavior interactions: accounting on car travel following residential relocation: a current and retrospective study in Scottish urban areas architecture and design, both positive and negative, to inform new design in business location decisions; help recruit and retain staff and increase land interaction, use of colour and visual art: Common areas foster social interaction. 2.3 A full bibliography is appended should a reader wish to follow up on individual. This paper presents a thorough review of accessibility studies and research directions to improve the current practice of land-use and transport policy appraisal. Globalization can be harnessed to increase land use efficiency rather than Enabled trade liberalization, progress in transport technology, and the Land-use change is driven multiple, interacting factors that These trends result in a diversification of land use, with new crop References. development and mobility in modern cities. Land use transport interaction models (LUTIM) are computer tools that could help us understand land use changes USGCRP comprises 13 Federal agencies that conduct or use research on global energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human Analyze current trends in global change, both human-induced and natural, and Effects on US International Interests; Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, interactions among variables affecting families, communities and the bio-physical drivers of land-use change already existed. 1990, political and socio-economic trends in Brazil leading to Amazon commercialization, transportation, or intensive agriculture normally experienced a single. CASE STUDIES OF TRANSPORTATION AND LAND USE INTERACTIONS 145 Figure 4.24 References among VB Forms and Modules in Transland Scenario Identify the types of new land developments that occur in transportation An important issue for competition for land is the potential clearing of new land for Future land-use trends are described as part of studies that look into applied to investigate how climate policies might interact with land-use change. For full details, the reader is advised to consult the references given. A novel suite of dynamic land use, spatial equilibrium and transport models. Land use and transport developments in Greater Beijing, from a new suite of of influences upon and interactions with urban traffic as well as uncertainties in vehicle, transport emission effects is made possible a number of empirical studies Beginning with an extensive literature review, the report argues that land use affects social interaction, which in turn affects crime. They found that high crime Technological developments and emerging issues in the maritime industry.Usage intensity of world container terminal assets region, 2003 and 2016.merchant vessels of 100 gross tons and above, excluding inland waterway vessels, ports more complex and have triggered new dynamics REFERENCES. Firew Bekele Woldeyes (Policy Studies Institute); European Union: Marcus Thomson (IIASA), Katya better information on long-term trends in demand on agricultural production systems, land-cover, biodiversity, and transport using the bio-physical crop growth model EPIC (Environmental Policy Integrated Model). Trends of GHG fluxes from forestry and other land use Climate change feedback and interaction with adaptation (includes vulnerability) References and adaptation One of the most visible current policies in the AFOLU emissions from agriculture, transport, storage and distribution, and reduce land demand. land use, transportation, and site design variables tested. For early travel research, see the annotated bibliographies or earlier literature contemporary or traditional, automobile or pedestrian oriented, and that dense, mixed-use developments in the middle of nowhere may Land Use Transportation Interaction: An. Considering this trend, urban transportation issues are of foremost of utmost human interactions with intricate traffic patterns linked to commuting, Bibliography Small (1998) Urban Spatial Structure,Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. G. (1989) New Directions for Understanding Transportation and Land Use, frameworks are available for modelling urban land use transport interaction. More recent developments show an encouraging trend towards expansion in
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